Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Weezie is a GIRL!!!

Kristin and I are happy to announce that we are having a Girl.

Today's ultrasound went extremely well. The Technician and the Doctor were both great, all the necessary checks were done and everything is as it should be, we are thankful parents to be indeed. The very best part was seeing (and then hearing) her heartbeat and then looking on as she waved to us (no, I don't think she meant to).

So, at 20 weeks we are at the halfway point (well Kristin is anyway, I don't really do much come to think of it), and it has really flown by. The second half is sure to go by quickly as well (we hope). We have some travel plans; my folks coming to the US for three weeks starting 8 July and we will be doing an East Coast USA road trip with Kris's parents starting in Palm Coast FL and taking in Savannah, Charleston and Washington DC. We then have our God Son Jacob's baptism in Dallas in mid August. After that we will be settling back home in Chicago to work on the Baby's room and take in the rest of the summer before the craziness really starts.

Thanks so much to all those who have commented and voted. This is heaps of fun for Kristin and I. The name is under wraps until birth, until such time the baby girl is referred to a Weezie.

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